What is Slot and how to add/remove slots?

What are slots? 🤔

Slots must be purchased to add team members and email accounts inside the Saleshandy account. When you buy a slot, the admin can invite one team member and add one email account.


Jhon is the admin user with one email account connected, and Steve is the team member with one email account. Currently, Jhon is paying for two slots as he has one admin account and one team member Steve. Now, Jhon (admin) purchases one more slot in his account; hence, with this slot, Jhon (admin) or Steve (team member) can add one more email account, as well as Jhon, can invite one team member.

In short, when a slot is purchased, anyone from the team can add one email account, and the admin can invite one team member to the account.

If you are an admin, when you purchase a slot, you can invite a team member, add an email account under the "Email accounts" section or let your team members add an email account inside their respective Saleshandy accounts.

How to purchase/remove a slot?

If you want to purchase a slot, go to Settings, click on Billing and subscription, then click on Manage Billing and click on Add or Remove Slots

After you click on Add or Remove slots, you can enter the number of slots you want in your account. (The slot number can be increased or decreased as per your requirement.

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