How to manage the prospects inside Saleshandy?

Prospects can be filtered and managed based on the below-mentioned attributes:

  • Owner
  • Tags 
  • Sequence 
  • Status
  • Created date

Manually unsubscribe the prospect:

Prospects can be unsubscribed by the users by selecting them and clicking on the ‘Unsubscribe’ option, as referred in the below screenshot.

Delete the prospect:

Prospects can be deleted from the main ‘Prospects’ tab by selecting them and clicking the trash icon on the screen.

Add or remove tags from prospects:

You can add tags to your prospects and remove the tags from the prospects directly from the main ‘Prospects’ tab by selecting them, as per the below video

Blacklist the prospect domains:

If you want to prevent emails going to prospects in specific domains, you can blacklist such domains in your Saleshandy account and the system won’t send emails to the prospects with that domain.

Verify the email accounts of prospects:

If you haven’t verified your prospects at the time of uploading the prospects via the CSV file or adding them manually, then you can verify the prospects directly from the main ‘Prospects’ tab. You need to select the unverified prospects and click on the ‘Verify email(s),’ as referred in the below video.

Export the prospect list:

You can download the prospects from your Saleshandy account by clicking the ‘Export’ option.

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